It is that time again when kids eagerly collect bags full of candies during their door-to-door trick-or-treat adventures, and adults are bombarded with sugary sweets in the grocery aisles or haunted by all the treat-or-treat leftovers in the kitchen cabinet. It can only mean one thing – Halloween is here. While we fully appreciate the joy and significance of this tradition, it’s equally important to understand which candies pose the greatest threat to dental health. As your trusted dentist in St. Cloud, we’re here to shed some light on the worst offenders when it comes to cavity-causing candies.
Candy Corn
Whether you’re a fan or not, candy corn is always present during the autumn season. Despite its seemingly healthy name, this treat can spell trouble for teeth. Its sticky nature means it clings to teeth long after consumption, and its high sugar content provides a feast for those pesky sugar-loving bacteria that can wreak havoc on your teeth.
This delightful confection comes in a plethora of mouthwatering flavors and vibrant colors, but don’t be fooled by its charm. Taffy not only contains a substantial sugar content but is also one of the stickiest treats around. This dual threat makes it detrimental to dental health as it can linger on teeth, and its stickiness can even harm dental restorations like fillings.
Lollipops and similar candies like jawbreakers or hard candies that require prolonged sucking sessions expose teeth to sugar for an extended period, which is a recipe for trouble. The longer the candy takes to consume, the more time sugar has to cling to teeth and induce damage.
Sour Candy
Sour candy not only delivers a hefty sugar dose but also adds an acidic punch to the mix. Acid can weaken tooth enamel, rendering teeth vulnerable to sugar-related damage. Excessive consumption of sour candies might necessitate a visit to your dentist in St. Cloud.
While popcorn may not be sweet, it’s a common find in trick-or-treat bags and an easy nightly snack. Popcorn’s sugar content is relatively low, but it conceals a hidden danger – those sneaky unpopped kernels. Biting down on them unexpectedly can result in tooth damage, leading to broken teeth or the harm of existing dental fillings.
You might not be able to entirely eliminate the temptation for these treats during Halloween, and that’s perfectly fine. What matters most is that you enjoy these indulgences in moderation and follow a daily dental hygiene routine that includes brushing and flossing. Additionally, make sure to see your dentist in St. Cloud at least every six months for checkups.