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Taking Action Can Help Prevent Mouth Cancer

November is a month dedicated to a cause that often goes unnoticed but has a profound impact on countless lives – Mouth Cancer Action Month. This campaign, led by the Mouth Cancer Foundation, aims to educate, raise awareness, and promote early detection of mouth cancer. Nearly 55,000 Americans are newly diagnosed with mouth cancer every … Read More

Does Purple Toothpaste Really Work? 

As if there weren’t already enough toothpaste options to choose from, there’s now a relatively new addition to consider. In recent years, thanks to the help of social media, a new player has entered the dental hygiene scene – purple toothpaste. Claiming to offer a host of benefits, most notably advanced stain removal and the … Read More

Top Cavity-Causing Candy

It is that time again when kids eagerly collect bags full of candies during their door-to-door trick-or-treat adventures, and adults are bombarded with sugary sweets in the grocery aisles or haunted by all the treat-or-treat leftovers in the kitchen cabinet. It can only mean one thing – Halloween is here. While we fully appreciate the … Read More