Revitalize Your Smile and Restore Functionality with Modern Dentures
Missing teeth can cause a variety of dental concerns, whether aesthetic or functionally. Aesthetically, missing teeth can keep you from showing off your smile, or from feeling confident in your overall looks and oral health. However, missing teeth can also cause severe functional issues. These issues can include decreased ability to bite and chew, pressure and pain from uneven force, as well as tooth and bone deterioration due to excessive strain put on remaining natural teeth. Whether you are putting off implants due to fear of commitment, possibility of pain, or general busyness, now is the time to consider dentures or partials as a way to replace missing teeth. Generally, when people think of dentures, they think of loose fitting and gappy fake teeth. However, dentures have come a long way, and our practice utilizes innovative techniques and technology to ensure your full or partial dentures blend in seamlessly.